Nways Deployment Manager Patch Package -------------------------------------- Install this patch over an existing installation of the Nways Manager product. To install the patch on Windows/NT: 1. Stop Openview or Netview 2. Copy the CfgManPatchPkg.exe file to a temporary directory 3. Open a DOS window and change to the drive and directory where you copied the CfgManPatchPkg.exe file 4. The "CfgManPatchPkg.exe" file is a self-extracting package: type "CfgManPatchPkg" on the command line to extract the patch package contents, including the "CfgManPatch.exe" program. 5. Type "CfgManPatch" on the command line to run the patch program. 6. If you have customized any of the files which were saved during step 5, you should edit your changes into the new files. These files include: \java\properties\CfgManProperties.txt \java\properties\stg2210.xml \java\websvr\CfgManJma.html 7. Restart Openview or Netview 8. You can delete the CfgManPatchPkg.exe file and the other files that were extracted from it. To install the patch on AIX: To install Nways Manager for AIX Version 2.0 PTF U465421, follow these steps: 1.Log in as the root user. 2.Make sure that you have stopped all the NetView daemons. 3. Create the mount point directory for the CD-ROM by entering the command: mkdir /cdrom Note: You must use /cdrom as the mount point. If you use a different mount point, the installation program will not work correctly. 4.Insert the IBM Nways Manager for AIX Version 2.0 PTF U465421 CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. 5.Mount the CD-ROM by entering the command: mount -r -v cdrfs /dev/cd0 /cdrom 6.Follow the instructions below to select and install Nways Manager for AIX Version 2.0 PTF U465421. Steps to Install PTF U465421 ---------------------------------- Notes: Please make sure Netview is not running while you are adding this patch. The install process will stop the Nways Java Server before adding this PTF and start it back after this PTF has been applied. 1. As ROOT run the System Management interface by typing "smitty" on the command line. 2. Select "Software Installation and Maintenance" and press Enter. 3. Select "Install and Update Software" and press Enter. 4. Select "Install/Update From All Available Software" and press Enter. 5. Enter the directory(/cdrom) where the nways.U465421 image is located into the field : "INPUT device / directory for software". 6. Place the cursor in the "SOFTWARE to install" field and press the F4 key. 7. In the section titled "Fileset Updates" select the following fileset: " Java Device Management(821022102216Generic) U465421" 8. After you have selected the above fileset press the F7 key to mark the fileset for installation and press Enter. 9. If you want to be able to back this Update off your machine please make sure the following fields are marked as shown here: "COMMIT software updates? No" "SAVE replaced files? Yes" This will ensure you can back off this update at any time. 10. Press Enter to execute the Install. 11. If you have customized any of these files, you should edit your changes into the new files: /usr/CML/JMA/java/properties/CfgManProperties.txt /usr/CML/JMA/java/properties/stg2210.xml /usr/CML/JMA/java/websvr/CfgManJma.html Your original versions of these files are saved with the same name in the same directory, but with the suffix beforeU465421, e.g. /usr/CML/JMA/java/properties/CfgManProperties.txt.beforeU465421 To uninstall the patch on Windows/NT: 1. Stop Openview or Netview 2. Copy the CfgManPatchPkg.exe file to a temporary directory 3. Open a DOS window and change to the drive and directory where you copied the CfgManPatchPkg.exe file 4. The "CfgManPatchPkg.exe" file is a self-extracting package: type "CfgManPatchPkg" on the command line to extract the patch package contents, including the "CfgManPatch.exe" program. 5. Type "CfgManUnpatch" on the command line to run the unpatch program. This program will delete the files which were installed by the CfgManPatch program, and replace them with the versions saved by CfgManPatch. 6. Restart Openview or Netview 7. You can delete the CfgManPatchPkg.exe file and the other files that were extracted from it. 8. If you have installed the CfgManPtfClientClasses.jar and CfgManPtfCommonClasses.jar on other machines for use by a web browser, you should delete them and remove references to them from the CLASSPATH environment variable. To uninstall the patch on AIX: 1) As ROOT run the System Management interface by typing "smitty" on the command line. 2) Select "Software Installation and Maintenance" and press Enter. 3) Reject Applied Software Updates(Use Previous Version) 4) Press the F4 key to get a list of installed filesets. 5) Press the F7 key to mark the below fileset for uninstall and press Enter: " Java Device Management(821022102216Generic) U465421" 6) Press the Enter key and PTF U465421 will be uninstalled. New Functions or Features ------------------------- Support for IBM 2212 routers. Kill running job function: A new function is available in the Jobs panel for killing a running job. The "Apply" button for changes made in tables now causes pending editing changes to be committed. Previously, you would lose changes you made to an editable field if you hit the "Apply" button before tabbing out of the field. The Synchronization function now updates the Deployment Manager database with SNMP community names for devices which are known to both Netview/Openview and the Deployment Manager. Configuration files for the 2210 and 2212 devices will only be stored in SRAM format inside the database because the ASCII format is susceptible to incompatibilities between different versions of the GUI configuration tools. You may still export to ASCII or import from ASCII, but the stored form of the configuration in the database will be SRAM. Tolerating nonstandard, customer-named image files in the 2210 IBD: Until now, when NwDM examined a 2210 during an update task to see if it already had the target load image, it would only match on the NwDM name, e.g. MRS.E41. For customers who are using NwDM for the first time, the existing image files in IBD may not have the standard name. Now, NwDM will use the talk 6 "describe" command to match the properties of the load image instead of its name. Known Problems and Limitations ------------------------------ 1. If you reorder columns in a table display, some functions which select rows don't work properly: 2210 Configurations/Select Active 2212 Configurations/Select Active 2. Netscape and Internet Explorer currently are not supported for running the Deployment Manager client, though they *are* supported for displaying the help panels. 3. Downloading 2212 load images: You must manually download 2212 load images and then import them into NwDM. Access to the 2212 load images at the IBM FTP servers is controlled through an on-line registration procedure that requires you to register your customer information via a web interface before starting the download. NwDM is currently not equiped to automate this registration procedure for you. Usage Notes ----------- 1. No acceptable 2210 update strategy failures: A 2210 update task may fail with a message indicating no acceptable strategy was found. Typically, this means that the Deployment Manager must erase some IBD banks, but you haven't specified an erase option that permits these erasures. If one of the other erase options is acceptable, you can modify the option (at the Job Details panel), and restart the job. 2. Database userid and password defaults: In most circumstances you don't need to have values specified for the CfgManUserId and CfgManPassword properties in the CfgManProperties.txt file. The default version of CfgManProperties.txt now omits values for these. 3. DB2 Troubleshooting If NwDM complains that it can't access the database, you should check the log file for errors. The log file can be found in \java\properties\log\NwaysManager.log where is where you've installed the product and may be 1 through 10, e.g. on NT c:\nways\java\properties\log\NwaysManager4.log or on AIX, /usr/CML/JMA/java/properties/log/NwaysManager4.log Every time the JMAintegrator server starts, a new log file is opened, and they wrap from NwaysManager10.log to NwaysManager1.log. Look at the modification dates; the most recently modified file is the one you should open in an editor. Look for a line that contains "STARTING CfgManService". This is where the NwDM initialization begins. The end of the NwDM initialization is logged by a "STARTED CfgManService" line. Between the "STARTING" and "STARTED" lines you may see messages such as described in the following sections: 3a. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver This is caused by not having unzipped the db2java.zip file into the Nways either after installing Nways, or after installing a DB2 fixpak. Locate the db2java.zip file in the DB2 product directory: NT: :\sqllib\java\db2java.zip AIX: /usr/lpp/db2_05_00/java/db2java.zip Unzip the db2java.zip file into the directory: NT: \java\websvr\code AIX: /usr/CML/JMA/java/websvr/code Stop and restart the JMAintegrator process: >ovstop JMAintegrator >ovstart JMAintegrator 3b. COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Exception: [IBM][CLI Driver] SQL1031N The database directory cannot be found on the indicated file system. SQLSTATE=58031 This is caused by not having created the CFGMAN database for NwDM. Use the DB2 Control Center to create the database or issue this command from a DB2 command line: create database CFGMAN 3c. COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Exception: [IBM][CLI Driver] SQL1403N The username and/or password supplied is incorrect. SQLSTATE=08004 This is caused by not having the correct values for the CfgManUserId and/or CfgManPassword properties in the CfgManProperties.txt file. The CfgManProperties.txt file is located in: NT: \java\properties\CfgManProperties.txt AIX: /usr/CML/JMA/java/properties/CfgManProperties.txt Edit this file to contain a valid user id and password. Stop and restart the JMAintegrator process: >ovstop JMAintegrator >ovstart JMAintegrator 3d. COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Exception: [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/NT] SQL0973N Not enough storage is available in the "QUERY_HEAP" heap to process the statement. SQLSTATE=57011 This is caused by a DB2 performance parameter for the instance. Increase the QUERY_HEAP_SZ value to 10000: NT: Use the DB2 Control Center: Select the database instance, e.g. DB2 Right click and select the "Configure..." menu item Select the "Performance" tab from the "Configure Instance" dialog Select the "Query heap size parameter" and enter the new value AIX: Start a DB2 command line Enter this command: UPDATE DATABASE MANAGER CONFIGURATION USING QUERY_HEAP_SZ 10000 Stop the JMAintegrator process: >ovstop JMAintegrator Stop and restart DB2: >db2stop >db2start Restart the JMAintegrator process: >ovstart JMAintegrator 3e. COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Exception: [IBM][CLI Driver] SQL1402N Unable to authenticate user due to unexpected system error. This is caused by the DB2 Security Manager having not been started (for NT) or by having incorrect permission bits set for db2ckpw (for AIX): NT: Open the Services applet in the NT Control Panel. Select the DB2 Security Server item in the services list. Press the Start button. AIX: Have the system administrator ensure the correct access permissions are set for db2ckpw, and that there is enough swap/paging space allocated.